Health and SafetyOntario Agri Business Association

At the Ontario Agri Business Association... Workplace Health & Safety is our Priority!
OABA is very pleased to announce a partnership with ACUTE Safety Training in Waterloo, Ontario that will now provide members with access to the expanded resources and training services required to ensure the success of member health and safety compliance programs.
ACUTE Safety Training has what you need to meet your obligations as defined in federal and provincial health and safety legislation.
Health & Safety Service - Training, Audit, Inspection & Consulting
ACUTE Safety Training can help you identify what you must do to meet your legal obligations, to establish required training programs as well as assisting you in program implementation and maintenance. For more information on training, inspection and consulting services offered by ACUTE, please contact Rob McManus at ACUTE Safety Training by phone at 519-747-5075 or by email at [email protected].
Agri Business Safety Network
Creating a culture of health and safety is the cornerstone of the 'Agri Business Safety Network'.
Through the delivery of relevant safety information, training and networking opportunities in regional meetings across the province, this program will target the creation of a culture of health and safety in agri business workplaces.
The individuals participating in the "Network" will also play a key role in the program by taking a leadership role in the development of relevant program, speaker presentations and training to be delivered. The ultimate goal of the network is to give the participants both the tools and the personal connections they need to assist them in eliminating workplace injuries/accidents and to make agri business workplaces healthier and safer for all employees.
For more information on the Agri Business Safety Network - contact the OABA office at 519-822-3004... or via email to [email protected]... or view the 'More info...' link under Agri Business Safety Network on the Key Dates page.
OABA Health and Safety Committee
Since 2006, OABA has operated a Health and Safety Committee with representation from a cross section of member firms. This committee works to develop and implement strategies to reduce workplace injuries and accidents in the agri business sector. Based on the health and safety needs of the membership in the agri-business sector, this committee develops sector specific standards, products, programs and services that will add value to the health and safety efforts of member firms. The OABA Health and Safety Committee works closely with ACUTE Safety Training to ensure that training programs and services are meeting the needs of the membership.
Your Next Steps
If you have general questions related to workplace health and safety, OABA's Health & Safety Committee, or the Agri Business Safety Network, contact the OABA office at (519) 822-3004.
To book Safety Services (including training, inspection, audit, and consulting), please contact Rob McManus at ACUTE Training Services directly, by phone at 519-747-5075 or by email at [email protected]
For a Calendar of OABA Training Offered at ACUTE's Waterloo, Ontario Training Facility... please click here for more information!
Interested in Holding Safety Training at Your Own Location... please click here for more information!